Monday, October 29, 2012

Antique Eye Glasses

There are 10 eye glasses with cases available for reasonable prices.
Merchant Square Antique Marketplace
Booth 104
Chandler, AZ  85225

Drawer to Cupboard with Shelf

This was an old drawer that could not go to waste.
It has fun stencils, removable shelf.
Shoe last made into a photo holder
Two sewing cabinet drawers.

Decor Boxes

Handmade wood boxes painted inside and out with handles on the ends, stencils on both sides.  They come in White, gray, off white, black.
Empty $42  Decorated $95

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll = Iron Gate

I want to be clear, this is not my project.  It is from Suzys  I have included a link to her site with the tutorial.
I am including it here because it is amazing what you can do and how it looks when finished.  It  looks like the real thing.  I think it is wonderful and would gladly hang it on my wall.  Check her out, she is pretty creative.

Hugs, Nancy

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eastman Kodak Projector

I was looking around the other day on sale sites and came across the very best thing.  It is an 8mm Eastman Kodak Projector with a reel and the original case.

This has a great, fun shape that I have not seen before and it works.

I have some customers that are looking for exactly this type of projector for decoration.

Not everyone will have this one and it is in great condition.
Movie buffs and those who enjoy the movies, this is the one for you.
Price: $95
Hugs, Nancy

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Do you dream of things currently impossible?  I do.  I dream of being a creative painter of art works.  Things people awe over and then buy.  I dream of making wonderful rooms for people with next to nothing purchased, just creativity.  I dream of a booth full of painted furniture and people are crowding to get in so they can buy something special for their home.  I dream of dinner every night, a great book full of photos of room, dreamy rooms.  I dream of a home done in white, tan, cream, shades of gray, old wood tones, sheer curtains that blow in the breeze, lots of green grass (with a gardener of course), flowers lining paths to streams . . . .
I also dream of lots of paint in colors I want to use.  Beautiful furniture to love and reinvent.  Decor to make the furniture look beautiful.  Quiet time to persue those things which are most important to all of us, family, love of friends, peace, joy, belief in something greater than myself (Heavenly Father), all the things that make me, me.
I dream of opportunities to think outside the box, my box of safe answers to everything.  Could I paint something Bright Pink and love it?  Yes, I painted a mirror and just loved it.  Can I paint Bright Green and say "Wow, that is really a great color"?  YES I can!
I want to do giveaways.  I want to share what I know with others.  I want to teach classes and help others see that they are brave and can do what they know is in their hearts.  I want to help you create beautiful rooms and help you love the process.  I want to drive a great old truck, painted AQUA and love it till it falls apart.  I want a 1947 trailer that I can redo and enjoy on trips.  I want to dig for treasure and help others know that their things are valued not just for sale to someone else. 
What do you want to learn about?
What do you need help with?
What is your dream?
What room makes you crazy?
What can I help you with as you dream?
Leave a comment, let it out into the universe and see what happens . . . you never know . . . .
Hugs, Nancy

Appreciating Great Products

I want to share a couple of things with you.  I have been one of those people who only 'roll or brush' on paint with pride and simple put 'look down my nose at those who shake up a can of 'spray paint' and do it the easy way.
I want to apologize to all of you.  I found myself pressed for time when getting things ready for the room redo for my granddaughter.  I hurried off to Home Depot and bought Eden green, Berry Pink, Black and Heirloom White Rustoleum spray paint.  The headboard when black, I has rolled one side but just could not get back to it again and make it look good.  One can of black and a stencil and it was finished and I was happy.
The cute desk was a funny green. We sanded for hours to get the rough paint off the top for a smooth writing surface.  I used one coat of flat paint on the sanded top, this is not how it looked when we were ready to paint.  I sprayed the whole  piece Eden Green.  It looked wonderful.  Every little corner was covered.  I put a stencil in the corners and done.  The inside of the drawer was painted Berry Pink for a fun surprise.  

I used this great Frogtape around the edges of the mirror so it would be easy to remove once I was done.  Fantastic tape.  Love it!.  It peels off with no residue, no little bits between the frame and mirror.

This mirror was sprayed as well.  It turned out great!
Thank you for great products that make my job so much easier to do.
Hugs, Nancy