You will need
Flexible wire that will fit through a button
Lots and Lots of buttons, I used white and cream mostly, a few brown and black.
Sturdy Metal Lamp Shade Frame.
Something to wrap around the frame to hide the wire when done. ( yarn, leather laces, ribbon)
I used a floral wire, a very long piece, like 4' long. I then treaded lots of buttons through two holes on each button to keep them straight, when I had enough to span inbetween the spines on the shade, I wrapped the wire around the spine twice to hold the wire in place. Do not cut the wire unless you have to. You can make it spiral or just circle around evenly. I did both for a fun look. It takes a while so don't give up. Remember, they did not see mine, so they will think you are AWESOME!
When done with the buttons, remember it is not a quick project, take your selected type of wrap for the frame and fold the end over where you will be working, begin to wrap, catching the end as you go. Wrap every part of the shade, hot glue ends if necessary. When done use a clear bulb, 60 watt.
You are awesome!
Hugs, Nancy