Monday, February 18, 2013

Paper Cone Wreaths

Paper cone wreaths are such fun!  I love taking a book apart and then being creative and seeing how I can make it different.

Have you tried using the chipboard ring from Michaels.  It stabilized the wreath and makes it easier to work with.  Use a paper clip or twist several layer of wire, wrap them around the ring and make a loop.  Hot glue in place.  You will use this to hang it when done.
Hot glue does wonders in making the cones.  If you are making a single layer then just mark off four equal places around the ring, set aside.  Roll a lot of pages with tight cone ends (like a waffle cone) and hot glue the overlap.  You will need lots of them.  Place one cone on each of the four marks.  Make sure they meet in the middle for a single layer.  Glue in place.  Repeat all the way around.

For two layers, measure the first row 2" out from the center with the same four marks on the ring.  Glue one layer all the way around.  Now measure how far in to make the second row with centers touching.  Glue this row to the first one.  

If you want to make the all over one, make the first two rows with cones you have cut the tight ends back 1".    You will need to cut more from the ends as you make it round.  As you go, look at the shape and make sure the lengths are making it rounded.  You can burnish the edges, color them pink, put stamping ink on them or just leave them alone.

Hugs, Nancy

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