Monday, February 18, 2013

The Button Lamp Shade

You will need
Flexible wire that will fit through a button
 Lots and Lots of buttons, I used white and cream mostly, a few brown and black.
Sturdy Metal Lamp Shade Frame.
Something to wrap around the frame to hide the wire when done. ( yarn, leather laces, ribbon)

I used a floral wire, a very long piece, like 4' long.  I then treaded lots of  buttons through two holes on each button to keep them straight, when I had enough to span inbetween the spines on the shade, I wrapped the wire around the spine twice to hold the wire in place.  Do not cut the wire unless you have to.  You can make it spiral or just circle around evenly.  I did both for a fun look.  It takes a while so don't give up.  Remember, they did not see mine, so they will think you are AWESOME! 

 When done with the buttons, remember it is not a quick project, take your selected type of wrap for the frame and fold the end over where you will be working, begin  to wrap, catching the end as you go.  Wrap every part of the shade, hot glue ends if necessary.  When done use a clear bulb, 60 watt.

You are awesome!

Hugs, Nancy

How to make Table Runners

Table runners are pretty simple.  

You will need one strip of fabric or burlap 8" longer than the length of your table, 14" wide.
You will need two pieces for the ruffle on each end 13" Long and 24" Wide.
Matching thread
Sewing Machine

Press the long edges under 1/4" all the way down each side.  Turn under another 1/4" and press again.  Stitch down both sides with matching thread and a bit longer than normal straight stitch length, about a 3.

Press the bottom and ends of each ruffle piece 1/4" and 1/4" again, as above.  Stitch down.  Using the longest stitch, gather the unhemmed edge, making note of which side the bobbin thread on on.  Make two rows of stitching, close together,  pull these threads to gather.  Repeat for other ruffle.

Pulling the bobbin threads makes gathering easier.  DO NOT pull the threads on one side and then pull the ones on the other side.  It will LOCK the stitches and you will have to gather again.

Pull stitches up to fit the end of the table runner.  With right sides together, raw edges touching, pin and then stitch across where the gathers are.  Make a top stitch just above the ruffle, catching the seam as you go so it will lay flat.

Play around with top curtains with pretty edges, lace, another color fabric, muslin, burlap.  Make it for a gift or to add something special to your decor.  Have fun.

Hugs, Nancy

Monopoly Money Wreath

This one is pure fun.  

You will need one 10" straw wreath
Lots of Monopoly Money
 Hot glue
Wire or large paper clip for hanging

Make a ring of 4 layers of wire, big enough for a wreath holder or use a paper clip, wire one or the other to the wreath before starting, hot glue to stabilize the hanger.

Starting at the bottom of the wreath, glue a row of paper money ( make the money go the same way), vary the color for interest.  Continue gluing the money around the wreath, close together, not overlapping but touching until you reach the top.  It looks stupid, that's ok.  Now glue a layer to the inside and continue to fill around the circle until the layers meet.  It still looks stupid.  Glue one final row over the ends all the way around.

Now the fun part, crunch all of the money all the way around.  Crunch it a lot and then crunch it more so it will be full and look cool.  See, no longer stupid but full and fun!

Hugs, Nancy

Paper Cone Wreaths

Paper cone wreaths are such fun!  I love taking a book apart and then being creative and seeing how I can make it different.

Have you tried using the chipboard ring from Michaels.  It stabilized the wreath and makes it easier to work with.  Use a paper clip or twist several layer of wire, wrap them around the ring and make a loop.  Hot glue in place.  You will use this to hang it when done.
Hot glue does wonders in making the cones.  If you are making a single layer then just mark off four equal places around the ring, set aside.  Roll a lot of pages with tight cone ends (like a waffle cone) and hot glue the overlap.  You will need lots of them.  Place one cone on each of the four marks.  Make sure they meet in the middle for a single layer.  Glue in place.  Repeat all the way around.

For two layers, measure the first row 2" out from the center with the same four marks on the ring.  Glue one layer all the way around.  Now measure how far in to make the second row with centers touching.  Glue this row to the first one.  

If you want to make the all over one, make the first two rows with cones you have cut the tight ends back 1".    You will need to cut more from the ends as you make it round.  As you go, look at the shape and make sure the lengths are making it rounded.  You can burnish the edges, color them pink, put stamping ink on them or just leave them alone.

Hugs, Nancy

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A New Look

I love mirrors.  I buy them all the time and wish I could keep everyone of them.  This one is especially pretty with a bot on the top and bottom, all the carvings in the wood.  The silver tones are just lovely.
This one also caught my eye.
My daughter refers to this one as Beauty and the Beast.  I love the deep laurelest carvings and the ornateness of the whole shape and details.  It is heavy and large but so eye catching.  I just had to have it.
I try to have several mirrors in my booth at Merchant Square Antique Marketplace at all times.  I feel if I like them, you will too.  Inspiration is everywhere.  Come by and take a look.
Hugs, Nancy